Nature Plus Pest Control T: (718) 265-1649
Nature Plus Pest Control T: (718) 265-1649
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One benefit of spiders is that they eat other insects, but that doesn’t mean you should invite them into your home. Often the presence of spiders in a New York City building means you already have an existing insect or pest issue. Spiders and the cobwebs they weave can be unsettling and diminish the look and feel of your home. We employ both chemical and non-chemical removal options depending on the situation and can remove these creeps without risk to you or your family.

Spider prevention typically means insect-proofing your home and can be accomplished in a variety of ways. In addition to addressing your current spider and insect issues, we will recommend best practices on how to avoid the presence of insects in your building, thus naturally cutting down on the presence of spiders.